Tuesday, November 30, 2010

3 months??

hellllloo children!
I've been lazy (if lazy means not updating you on my whereabouts and feelings).
Well here it is: my whereabout still remain in Godella, valencia, spain. That much has not changed. My feelings are aplenty. Sometimes i feel like a pregnant woman with the amount of feelings i have. What i'm trying to say is foreign exchange is an emotional roller coaster. And if you don't understand that, i just have a lot of feelings. For example, today i was, for some reason or another, unable to speak spanish so i had a nice day playing dumb and avoiding homework. Twas quite pleasant. And the day before that i was frustrated because i had a spanish test. And tomorrow, ill probably be a little stressed out because i have to study a lot for other tests in which i will probably fail. What i am TRYING to say is both my whereabouts and feelings are more or less exactly the same.
so um.... happy three month anniversary to jane and spain! Now i feel like such a loser because my last blog was at 2 months. I guess i've been a little busy.... not a bad thing right? NOVEMBER WAS GREAT! actually it was EXACTLY the same as october, but with a few more language skills. I still have those stupid moments where i weirdly don't understand anything. I'm not sure exactly why i get them, but i THINK its because i zone out a lot easier here. FOr example, the other day i straightened my hair for school, and so when i got there, my friend was like "has planchado el pelo?" (did you straighten your hair) and i was like "whats pelo?" and he just gave this look like "are you serious???" of course i figured it out right away, but you cant help but feel stupid. but whatever.
What did i do these psat 30 days you ask? well.... i'll tell you.
at the beginning of the month, i studied. Then in the middle, i studied again. Then at the end, i was still studying. IT'S SUPER FUN!
thats an exaggeration. although i do study a lot, i've begun to cut it down because it's getting out of control. I feel bad for my teachers because if i don't do something, i seem uninterested, but in reality, i just don't have the time, and also because i'm more or less uninterested.... i guess their right. But it's not my fault. it's norma to want to have free time when you're in europe. What i actually DID do is the following....
One weekend i went to this island type thing called peñiscola. It was amazing. It was quite literally a city within the walls of a castle. It was exactly like what you see in all those european love story movies when the couples are running through the streets of an old city. a few examples being all of the mary kate and ashley movies, just to halp you out with an image. But it was really cool! A few family friends are architects and were helping to renew the walls of the castle so it would be livable. We got a tour and everything, PLUS food like always. Here are visuals.

The first picture is a night scene of where i was.
The second picture is an aerial view of the little castle village.
The third is a picture of my host dad with fried minnows. thats right, they EAT THEM. i was surprised
the fourth picture is the staircase in which an old priest escaped form the castle. :]

I'm not sure if this next thing happened before or after the peñiscola visit, but i went to FLAMENCO! it was awesome. My classmates don't like it at all, it's more of a middle aged woman thing, but i really liked it. They move their legs faster than anything i've ever seen, but at the same time, their heads don't move AT ALL. its extremely impressive.
It takes a seriously secure man to the things i saw him do.

Thanksgiving was interesting. I will admit that i got a little homesick, but HEY, they don't have turkey or the christmas music station, so it's only normal that i would miss home a little. The actually thanksgiving day was a little rough. i had 2 finals the next day so i studied almost the entire day. It wasnt really fun or anything, but whatever. later that night i went and got my cousin (quinn) from the airport. it was fun to see someone blood related. Friday we all went out, and quinn got to meet all my 15 and 16 year old friends. What a joke... sorry quinn. Saturday was interesting, we had a thanksgiving Paella. it was GREAT, and after we went and had starbucks, and watched sex in the city the movie IN spanish. How cultured we are.
But the bad thing is ambra went back to her house in italy. I think i might have needed to cry or something because i cried for a good solid 10 minutes. And not the loser fake crying, the heartfelt shake cry where you got liquids coming out of your entire face... tears, snot, drool, everything. Disgusting and sweet at the same time. I was rather proud of my gift though. i wrote an amazing spanish poem and drew a few pictures. i was proud of it.
heres the poem, i hope she wont mind:
Te vas a Italia el sábado, que pena (You're going back to italy on saturday, what a shame)
No se que voy a hacer cuando tengamos una cena (I don't know what i'm going to do when we have a dinner party)
por eso estoy aquí porque quiero decir (therefore i'm here because i want to say)
sin ti en mi vida, no puedo vivir. (without you in my life, i can't live)

te acuerdes los dias que fuimos a pasear (Remember those days when we went for walks)
y siempre después de beber, tenemos que mear (and after we drink (water) we always have to pee)
no lo se, todavía, lo que voy a hacer (i still don't know what i'm going to do)
porque cuando estoy contigo, es un placer (because when i'm with you, it's a real pleasure)

que risa los primeros días en Godella (the first days in godella were really funny)
y que bueno es el sabor de la paella (and paella tastes really good)
espero que hayas aprendido a cocinarla (i hope you've learned to cook it)
porque no creo que hagan en Italia (because i don't think they make it in italy)

Estoy contenta de haberte conocido (I'm happy that i got to know you)
seguro que dentro de dos año, a Italia he ido (for sure within 2 years i will go to italy)
no puedo creer que te vayas ya (i can't believe that you're leaving already)
porque voy a echarte de menos mas y mas. (because i'm going to miss you more and more)

Thats it. if you want to know what i means, ill put up the translation later.

i cant believe it. The first trimester is already over. Soon itll be christmas, and after that i have new years, and then it's JANUARY. Then i have las fallas, and after that i'll be going to Italy. And then sometime after that i might be going to france as well. Then we're already in may when i think nora (sister) is coming, and then i have finals, end of year school trip, and then what? home? wooooooooooooooowwwwwwwww.
I'm stressin'.

Fun fact:
I was listening to this song called "5 years time" by Noah and the whale (Dad you should download it because its a ukelele song and you would like it) and it got me to thinking where i'm going to be in 5 years. And then i decided that i'll probably be in some university or something, and that got me to thinking about impressing colleges, which got we to thinking that my grades here somewhat matter (not really) which got me to thinking that i WILL pass geography AND castellano. it's my goal. I'm not going home until i do. (don't worry mom, i'm still enjoying myself)

happy december


  1. See Jane, your writing voice is clearly your own! Even if you write quick and short. Your description of crying is very good. Publishable! I guess it already was. And writing poetry in Spanish will extend add so much color to writing down the road. I say A plus! Now get back home.

  2. another from dad....
    I read with placer(?) your translation and I love it. It's grabby. DO NOT give up writing poetry because it's NITCHY and maybe you could be the first Thompson in history to make a living as a poet.

  3. I also went to a couple of flamenco performances when I was in Spain. I loved how passionate and angry they were. All that foot stomping and mad clapping! It makes the term "macho" more understandable somehow! The guys has some unmanly moves but they all had pretty attractive butts from all that exercise.
