Thursday, March 31, 2011

really eventful month PART 1

ok, im really slipping on the blog front...... sorry everybody... it may be for the fact that i never have any free time, and i when i DO have free time i usually (stupidly) spend it either doodling or talking to people or roaming around instead of blogging.... so that is my lame excuse to not updating you on my ever so exciting life. I'm happy know know i have very little free time because that means i'm actually doing things unlike back in septemeber when i wrote a blog like... every single day. at least this way you all get the best stories and not stupid little things. I think we ended when the italians left spain, so ill jsut start there which mean LAS FALLAS.
One of the coolest craziest things that has ever happened to me. I'm not actually sure what it's all about for real, but i can tell you my personal experiance. For teenager and young people it means a week off work and school to relax and hang out with those you love. For parents, it's worrisome having to wait up for your kids to come home, not to mention the immense amount of people roaming around. For the eldery, i'm sure it's just an annoyance. It all starts out with this wonderful thing called a mascletà which is AMAZING for loss of better words. What it is is a bunch of really loud booms and fireworks and colors and people. They start out with a few smallbooms and then they build up to loud squealy noises and fireworks and colorful smoke. The ground shakes and it feels liek the end of the word, and its even cooler when the smoke blows towards you so you cant see anything and it's just a bunch of loud noises. My host host told me i had to open my mouth not to hurd my ears... just to give you a good picture of how loud it actually is. Here is a video.
Mascletà 2010
After everything is over, they end with this goofy song: Valencia en Fallas which i sorta which i would have learned just to seem like a real valencian girl. It's really too bad. The next major event after the mascletà would be the wonderful nit del foc. WHICH IS a huge fireworks show. it's always on march 18 and starts at 1 AM. (which in spanish time is more like... 145 or 2 AM) and lasts a good 30 minutes. It's liek the 4th of July but in march and with a lot more people and alot more noise and a lot more fireworks. The do the fireworks in the 'river' (whichisnt a river... it USED TO BE a river, now its a park.) so you have a bunch of people surrounding you, AND over you (if youre inside the river, liek i was) little did i know that was like.. the most dangerous thing you could do becasue the idiotic people from above throw fireworks down inside the river, AND the idiots inside the river throw these fireworks called borrachos that follow air currents, so if you run, it follows you. i almost got hit like 17 times while ducking out of there at lightning speed. Pictures:

After the big show is like.... a night long party. The streets are crowed, the clubs are open allnight, theres people everywhere, it's impossible to find a cab and the subway runs all night long. I got home before my little sister..... thats hows late the spanish stay out. (dont worry mom i stayed safe and i did not get robbed.
The day after (well the next night) is La Cremà which is when they burn the huge statues they put up (and spend all year making) TO THE GROUND. (the statues are called Fallas.... hence thename of the holiday (fallas usually represent something... like some represented the crises or a political figure or soemthing like that)) anyway, it goes something like this:

I was really close to the statue when it was being burned, and let me telly ou its burns FAST (they douse it with gasoline) it was EXTREMELY hot. i think i got burnt a little ever. AFter like... 5 miutes of ewatching it burn, the people put it out with firehoses which ultimately got ME weta s well. I looked like i had just taken a shower..... thats how wet i got. and i even got a little crabby. but not really. And that ends fallas. I'm not saying its a very environmentally friendly event with all the smoke and fireworks and gas infected burnings, but you know... it's fun.
Other than that, its really just an excuse to not do anything. Theres these people called falleras or falleros (if youre a dude) which i dont have any pictures of unfortunately but you can probably looked them up on google. They dress up in old timey clothes and march in parades and represent their own personal falla. Other than that they have like a week long block party in the city where you can buy snacks and clothes and jewlery and stuff like that. It's really just a touristy type thing. (for people like me) They have concerts and special parties for the young people (again for people like me) and the streets are all decorated. Spain likes their street decorations... i can telly ou that much.
After fallas i had testing, adn yet running on horrible build up of crap sleep, i managed to pass them. I only had a week or so of class before going to italy, which leads me to really long month part 2. To be continued.